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About Us

Drug-Free Solutions, owned and operated by Marty Herf –

nationally recognized for his work on drug-free workplace

program development – handles everything from policy to

implementation. And Drug-Free Solutions will help you

qualify for workers’ comp premium discounts for operating

a drug-free workplace.


The savings from a work-related accident that never happens due to an effective drug-free workplace program can far exceed your consulting fee. At Drug-Free Solutions, our goal is to put safety and cost savings back in your business equation and eliminate the hassle of:


  • Drug-free program development;

  • Documentation and reporting;

  • Hiring qualified trainers;

  • Developing training materials;

  • Contracting with testing laboratories;

  • Maintaining chain-of-evidence guidelines;

  • Qualifying for workers’ comp drug-free premium discounts.

Drug-Free Solutions is your best solution for a solid, experience-based drug-free workplace program that will save thousands of dollars, while keeping your employees safe.

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